Step 1: Self Assessment

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll probably end up some place else.”

                                                                                                                   -Yogi Berra

In order to find the major that is best for you, you need to know what you’re hoping to find. Choosing a major requires that you consider things such as:

  • What subjects have I enjoyed studying in the past?
  • In which academic areas am I talented; where do I get my best grades?
  • How am I most comfortable working?  In teams?  Doing library research? Writing papers?  
  • What motivates me?

The first step in your journey to choosing a major is to examine your interests, skills and work values. The exercises to the left will give you a foundation of information that you can use when evaluating your major options.

1.1: Interest & Personality Inventories
1.2: Skills Assessment
1.3: Work Value Exercises 

1.1: Interest & Personality Inventories

The Career Center offers a number of inventories to assist students with their self assessment. Interest inventories help you identify your interests and find related education and career goals.

Making a career decision is a process. Inventory results should be used as just one piece of the puzzle. Decisions should not be based solely upon inventory results. Students are encouraged to make an appointment with a career counselor to review and clarify the results of their inventory. 

When taking an interest or personality inventory please remember:
1. The inventory reflects your interests/personality and not your skills and abilities.
2. Respond on the basis of what does and doesn’t appeal to you.
3. Respond with your initial reaction. Don’t try to read between the lines.
4. Take the inventory in a quiet area with no or few distratcions.
5. You must be in a good mood too!

Strong Interest Inventory & Myers Briggs Type Indicator
For those students who have more work experience or would like to have a more in-depth view of their interests or personality, the Career Center offers the Strong Interest Inventory and the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Both inventories may be taken online. Contact the Career Center at 856-225-6046 for further information.


1.2: Skills Assessment

To obtain a career and to keep a job today, you need to understand the importance of acquiring marketable skills. The link below is a list of skills that employers commonly seek in new employees. Review the list and check those skills you feel you possess.

Skills Assessment 


1.3: Work Value Exercises

How much do you know about your values and the way they might influence your career and job choice? In this context, the word “value” refers to how you feel about the work itself and the contributions it makes to society. Most people who pursue work that is congruent with their values feel satisfied and successful in their careers.

Examining Work Values


Proceed to Step 2: Major Exploration